Contact Information:
Bay County Courthouse
300 East 4th Street
Panama City, FL 32401
(850) 767- 3341 - Office
(850) 747-5159 - Fax
Judicial Assistant: Darlene Cutler
Judicial Assignments:
Bay County Circuit Court: Probate & Trusts, Guardianships, Baker Acts & Marchman Acts, Jimmy Ryce Cases Civil Court
Judicial Experience:
Bay County Judge 1995 to 2006
Circuit Judge 2007 to Present
Chief Judge July 2015 to 2019
Legal Experience:
Managing Attorney, Legal Service of North Florida
Staff Attorney, Northwest Florida Legal Services
Assistant Public Defender
Private Law Practice
Bachelor in Government, FSU
Master of Business Administration, UWF
Bachelor in Accounting, FSU
Juris Doctorate, FSU
Certified Public Accountant